When you install openCV, openCV samples folder also gets installed. The samples will be present in your InstallationDirectory/samples/C. For me it's present in OpenCV-2.1.0/samples/c.This folder contains the sample codes of many good openCV programmes that can be used for a wide variety of purposes. One more thing is that, it also contains the compiled object files along with the source code for each programme. The programme , we will be looking is find_obj.cpp and the compiled code will be with the name find_obj. This programme uses SURF to do an object detection.
I have modified the code to make it work for recognition. I did my summer project at IIT Kharagpur, and there we performed the experiments on face recognition with SURF. For the first time in face recognition history, we worked with color FERET database. We wrote a paper, describing our approach and writing the results of our work. The Research paper was sent to the proceedings of an international conference. Till that gets published, I cannot share my work. But it's so simple and intuitive, when you look at the code I mentioned. Best of luck with your work.
Update (29/06/12) :
I will release the modified source code on or before 8th July
I have modified the code to make it work for recognition. I did my summer project at IIT Kharagpur, and there we performed the experiments on face recognition with SURF. For the first time in face recognition history, we worked with color FERET database. We wrote a paper, describing our approach and writing the results of our work. The Research paper was sent to the proceedings of an international conference. Till that gets published, I cannot share my work. But it's so simple and intuitive, when you look at the code I mentioned. Best of luck with your work.
Update (29/06/12) :
I will release the modified source code on or before 8th July